Today marks my 1 year working in the company. Nothing to shout about, only went supper with T eating curry mee wtf and wondering how fast time flies...... from Kuantan to Penang and now back in PJ.... gonna do my first year sign off and hope it will be fine..... I was kinda freaked out from what happened to the previous MT but now I'm keeping an open mind... let whatever come, come la..... I have enough train tracks on my forehead d.... My last resort is to find a sugarmummy/daddy who expires in a year anyways.... so no worries, i will survive...
I realised there're not much things to look forward to in life.... study study study, work work work, then wait to kick the bucket..... not sure what I want now..... actually I do.... I want an Iphone 3gs... ..... I wanna go for a holiday.... I want new sets of headphones.... I wanna watch The Ugly Truth..... I wanna get a new car........ but in the end I'm still not sure what I really need....... ok la... sleep.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
M.I.A... M.N
Have been away for quite a bit now..... not dead... and I will be back....
Maybe I'm Away... Maybe Not.... wtf
Maybe I'm Away... Maybe Not.... wtf
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Have been really stressed up recently. Work and personal issues. Sigh. And I've been talking to people who are pretty depressed too. Accumulated in a way. Sigh.
Got closer to Jx when she came to Penang. We chatted a bit and got to know her a little better. Turns out she's going to resign and start a new life in Shanghai, alone. I really respected her for her bravery. Apparently working in a large corporation isn't as easy as it seems. Ambitious people are all over and they will do anything to be on top. By whatever means that is. Funny thing this was verified by V too...... sad to see how much they have changed, from being so enthusiastic initially to frustration and resentment at the end. I guess I'll experience it when I return to KL soon enough.
On a different note, Jx brought up a good topic which I found to be rather interesting. She broke up with her bf recently and was not really affected by it. In fact, she was the one who initiated it. She seemed fine to me. Until yesterday while talking to her and she confessed how uncomfortable she's been feeling. How she struggled to put a strong outlook, with a deep scar inside. I totally understand what she was going through. She also brought up this saviour-syndrome she thinks we have. How we get attached or treat people better because we think they needed us. Not sure if it's really out of sympathy but it's within that line. Not a good thing because it'll never have a happy ending.
I somehow feel life's pretty empty now. Not sure why but I don't have anything to look forward to. Not with work. Not with friends. Not with going back to KL. Not even my coming bday. I seriously wanna know why.....
Got closer to Jx when she came to Penang. We chatted a bit and got to know her a little better. Turns out she's going to resign and start a new life in Shanghai, alone. I really respected her for her bravery. Apparently working in a large corporation isn't as easy as it seems. Ambitious people are all over and they will do anything to be on top. By whatever means that is. Funny thing this was verified by V too...... sad to see how much they have changed, from being so enthusiastic initially to frustration and resentment at the end. I guess I'll experience it when I return to KL soon enough.
On a different note, Jx brought up a good topic which I found to be rather interesting. She broke up with her bf recently and was not really affected by it. In fact, she was the one who initiated it. She seemed fine to me. Until yesterday while talking to her and she confessed how uncomfortable she's been feeling. How she struggled to put a strong outlook, with a deep scar inside. I totally understand what she was going through. She also brought up this saviour-syndrome she thinks we have. How we get attached or treat people better because we think they needed us. Not sure if it's really out of sympathy but it's within that line. Not a good thing because it'll never have a happy ending.
I somehow feel life's pretty empty now. Not sure why but I don't have anything to look forward to. Not with work. Not with friends. Not with going back to KL. Not even my coming bday. I seriously wanna know why.....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Main Masak Masaks
Turns out me not going back to KL this week was a good thing! I woke up in the morning and became a maid. Wash clothes..... hung clothes..... then wait for clothes to dry..... then vacuum floor... then wash toilet..... then iron clothes.... typical. So I thought to myself why not go all the way. So I cooked! I love cooking anyway! Lunch was nothing la.... just fried some sausages and bacon to eat with bread. Also cooked some corn, not sure why was craving for it since C told me about white corns she saw in Thailand. I think I'm becoming like my parents. Frying causes the oil to pop and splat everywhere and I ended up cleaning the whole kitchen wtf. And I remembered always scolding my mum for being over-particular. It's karma I tell ya.
Anyway the afternoon was really nice... so relaxing just sitting in the hall watching tv, chatting in msn and chill. Not bored at all. In fact I found time to pass too fast. But it was good thing because I was looking forward to dinner! I cooked Japanese Curry Pasta! Haha I didn't think I could but just thought of experimenting it since I got nothing else to do. Plus, the condo cafeteria was open if the pasta were to suck. I bought the ingredients from Jusco. Also with the leftover bacon and sausage from lunch, it fitted perfectly. I initially planned to use stir fried chicken and vege to complement the pasta but at the end I didn't use it. So I will just keep it for tomorrow. I have tried cooking pasta before. Twice to be exact. The first time was using the normal bolognese sauce. Failed! The sauce was too diluted and I didn't used mince meat but sausages instead. Attempt no. 2 was using cream sauce I bought from Cold Storage. This time it was worse because it tasted so bad that it only took me one mouthful to throw it all away. Damn wasted because I remembered putting in those western button mushrooms and chicken fillet. The sauce was horrible. Can't remember the brand though. This was the third time. And like they say, the third time's the charm. IT TASTED AWESOME! Seriously I'm damn proud of myself because I finally cooked something edible! The curry sauce was exactly like the ones I ate in Sakae or Sushi King. And it went very well with the bacon, sausages and corn. Safe to say I won't be ordering curry from Japanese restaurants anymore because I can cook it myself. FOR REAL!
And to top it all off, I treated myself with ice cream........... what a great saturday. haha
And to top it all off, I treated myself with ice cream........... what a great saturday. haha
Didn't realise I had other pics taken before but not posted up yet. Oh well, it's random but shouldn't waste it. There you go.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
bo mi kia kong
It's about a week after the previous post. Guess what? Still nothing to update. Also don't have any new pictures to post. So I shall randomly talk crap just to pass time since I don't have anything to do now. I'm damn sad because I'm not able to go back to KL this weekend. Was back the last week and was again questioned on my singlehoodness wtf. My cousin somemore asked if everything was okay. I'm not sure to be touched or annoyed. Sigh..... B is back from UK and we got to finally meet J's new he's-the-one bf. Not bad la... pass la .... because this time they really looked like a couple, so sweet until diabetic wtf ahahaha. Was also damn fun to 'accidently' blurt J's 'proud' attributes to her new bf. Oh wait cannot be side tracked... as I was saying... I am damn sad..................this week i'll be in Penang with no plans, no money and nothing to look forward to. Was supposed to go to Taiping or Thailand with Y this weekend but he last minute decided to go back to Ipoh... blah..... I guess I'll have to delay my visit to the Taiping Zoo..hello lion hello tiger hello monkey wtf. The worst part is that my landlord won't be around this weekend. And I left my ps3 in KL....... whyyy whyyy whyyyyyyyy do bad things happen to good people???? Why God whyyyy? what did I do to deserve this punishment? Hmm.... come to think about it.. maybe I should visit the famous St. Anne church in Butterworth. No kidding ya'll, my cousin was really granted a daughter after going there to pray. And she named her daughter Li-Anne as a gesture of thanksgiving.... miracles do happen yea... So I shall ask for a home theather system and name it Sony wtf. When I was back last week I managed to watch Dreamgirls. It was alright but now I'm seeking every opportunity to say no. I wanna do the Jennifer Hudson's impersonation of the "NO NO NO NO, NO NO I can't liveeee without you!!!" with my eyes terbeliak wtf. I feel quite guilty. A few days ago was chatting with my mum via msn and I kinda snapped at her. I was kinda cold and then just said I gtg because I no mood and pms. Then suddenly today she sms-ed me asking if my mood was better..... shit... i feel damn bad. Some more her bday's next week........ ok la... buy for her salted chicken since I'll be coming back from Ipoh on that day wtf. I've decided that in my lifetime, the places I must go are NYC, Tokyo and Bora Bora. NYC because I've watched too many movies filmed there. I must try their hotdogs and bagels too. Tokyo because I wanna see Naruto and sit on heated toiletseats with built-in radio wtf. Bora Bora because I believe it's one of the most romantic places. Just hope there's no tsunami wtf. Ok, sleepy d. Out.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Helloo... It's me...... er..... er........... I seriously don't know what to update ....... and I realise I say this almost in every post.... either nothing to post or apologize for posting so late.... So predictable wtf. This time got no pics also. Worse case. Seriously no life. Ok la.... I shall start updating what I was doing for the past week. Very normal and boring.... Don't regret reading it coz it'll probably be one of those complain complain, emo emo, and then pure crap that's coming out of me. Even as I'm typing now I'm still not sure what I'm going to type next. Oh ok... recently I'm addicted to Facebook, but not to any particular game or feature or person. I'll just click the homepage and then refresh refresh waiting for friends to update something, After that I'll just click on it and 8, damn mouliu. damn free. damn sad. I don't really log into Friendster anymore. Actually I do almost everyday but just to see my daily horoscope wtf. Don't really believe but I just wanna read for fun (don't wanna admit wtf). I also keep stalking my friends' blogs because I really have nothing else to do online. To the extent of viewing the blogs every 1-2 hours hoping for them to update something. What's wrong with me?? Oh i've finally got sick of Penang food. Now I don't bother searching for nice food. Usually just have simple dinner with friends/ colleague or tapau from the cafeteria in my condo. Not Penang food but chicken maryland wtf. I went back to KL the last weekend for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Gotta admit that it was really really nice going back. The thing i miss most- my bed. I think I'm a bad dog owner. Anjingku, Rain's fur is again tangled. It has to be shaved, bald. And this is not it's first time. It's quite hard for me also since I'm not around most of the time. How? And I realised it's not as lively/ mad as before. Either I no longer excite him (that sounds so wrong wtf) or it's becoming an old fart. I'm so addicted to Rihanna's new song "Hatin' on the club". Damn nice since it's kinda oldschool with the "oh oh oh oh" and lyrics such as "This is the song for the brokenheart".. Generally my taste for music is changing a little. Prefer fast-beat songs, thus the current cd I burnt for my car has lots of Rihanna, Akon, Kylie and Madonna. Maybe need to be alert when driving long distance. Maybe not. Ohh there's 2 songs which is damn nice also.. one is Krazy by Pitbull feat. Lil' John. The other is Cookiejar by Gym Class Heroes. " I have a thing for Milano, biscotti Italiano... etc etc" damn nice cause it makes me hungry! Also damn funny when Y thought the title of the song was chocolate chip factory wtf! No linkage whatsoever but when you think deeper cookie--> chocolate chip---> factory?? My next guess would be charlie? haha. I don't know why the more I wash my towel, the more black it gets. It's clean but the white part of the towel becomes a darker shade and eventually it becomes black. Why ar? Until my landlord think I'm so poor cannot afford new towels but bought ps3 wtf . I received an Easter greeting sms from an unknown number. I'm curious to know who it was cause it was short and kayu. The sms read "Happy Easter".That's it. Something I would send out since I'm kayu too. But I also happen to be lazy and I didn't wanna face the "Sorry but who's this?"-->"Huh you deleted my number?"--> "Oh sorry I changed new phone"-->"Oh then I'm your secret admirer"-->"Faster tell me la" situations. OK la i'm sleepy already, tomorrow working and I'm already thinking where to go for breakfast. blah..... sucks right reading this when it's not structured, no proper paragraphing and topics which jump here and there. Haha. Hope it gave you a headache. Don't know why I said that. Next time don't read lo. Wtf something's not right. I realised I'm talking and challenging myself. Stupid M said it's because of the dryspell. No it's not cause it has been raining almost everyday now. damn lame wtf. Ok la. Out.
Monday, April 6, 2009
You are sad
You are sad when certain people didn't turn out who you expected them to be.
You are sad when you watch the news and so many people are dying, so general wtf.
You are sad when you are not given credit for things you contributed in.
You are sad when you rushed to Jusco and all the sushi are sold out.
You are sad when you are forced to inform you subordinate that he's not eligible for bonus nor salary increment after he told you how much he and his family needed the money the week before.
You are sad when you see your PS3 being so lonely wtf because your landlord is hogging the tv.
You are sad when you see your colleague buying a 40" Sony Full-HD tv you couldn't afford to.
You are sad when you can no longer go to gym because your temporary membership expired and you lied to them saying you got transferred to China wtf.
You are sad when you realised how much you're gonna miss fried chicken skin when you go back to KL.
You are sad when you always regret not learning Chinese whenever you go to Redbox.
You are sad when a certain blog you stalk is set to view by invitation only.
You are sad when you realised you're becoming someone you used to despise.
You are sad when you realised you're resistant to change.
You are sad when people doesn't give a shit.
You are sad when people pokes their nose into your life.
You are sad when you can't shit although you eat lots of vege.
You are sad when coffee makes your teeth yellow.
You are sad when you have so many things to be sad about.
You are sad when you watch the news and so many people are dying, so general wtf.
You are sad when you are not given credit for things you contributed in.
You are sad when you rushed to Jusco and all the sushi are sold out.
You are sad when you are forced to inform you subordinate that he's not eligible for bonus nor salary increment after he told you how much he and his family needed the money the week before.
You are sad when you see your PS3 being so lonely wtf because your landlord is hogging the tv.
You are sad when you see your colleague buying a 40" Sony Full-HD tv you couldn't afford to.
You are sad when you can no longer go to gym because your temporary membership expired and you lied to them saying you got transferred to China wtf.
You are sad when you realised how much you're gonna miss fried chicken skin when you go back to KL.
You are sad when you always regret not learning Chinese whenever you go to Redbox.
You are sad when a certain blog you stalk is set to view by invitation only.
You are sad when you realised you're becoming someone you used to despise.
You are sad when you realised you're resistant to change.
You are sad when people doesn't give a shit.
You are sad when people pokes their nose into your life.
You are sad when you can't shit although you eat lots of vege.
You are sad when coffee makes your teeth yellow.
You are sad when you have so many things to be sad about.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kemakanan = Kegemukans
I'm getting fat........ luckily I'm already halfway pass my attachment in Penang. I do go to gym but I still put on weight. Current weight: 89 kg.
E brought me to one of the nicest Italian restaurant in Penang. It was indeed very popular considering how packed it was at 6 pm. We're lucky we had seats. And the bruschetta was damn good! Officially the best I've eaten so far. Thick bread but soft and spongy. Fresh tomatoes, olives and drizzle of olive oil..... heaven..... Stomach flab wobbles...
We also had the restaurant's signature pizza... just so so..... thin crust... pepperoni, mushroom and lots of cheese. Flabby stomach blob blob blob..
E also surprised me with these cakes. It's not your regular Secret Recipe or Berrys or Kings Confectionary. This is bought from a cakehouse (cannot remember the name) which is famous for having delicious homemade cakes. Very thoughtful of him to remember since I've only mentioned it once that I wanna try it because of the greentea cake wtf. Penang people are very nice! The pic is however damn ugly... but no choice coz the lighting of the cinema sux. That's right... we ate it in the pitch black dark cinema. Quite fun guessing which is which, a real test to our tongues. It wobbles I tell ya....
I know this is so common. Toasts, fried eggs, bacon, sausages and baked beans. But I like ma. And seldom you get to see it in KL. Actually got but I seldom eat it in KL. Cannot ar? Sue me. Still this pic looks damn nice. Soon I'll be able to perform a stomach Mexican wave...
Another Penang delicacy which is available in KL. This one actually taste just alright but the pic looks damn nice. So I shall pretend and say it's the best koay kak I've eaten so far just to make you drool. I can fall flat on and I will bounce back up...
This is damnnnn nice! Sounds rude but tastes really good. And I personally like to order it. "Auntie, one Roti Babi please." hmm.... not funny now but I kept laughing to myself whenever I order it. I'm pretty sure the Roti Babi Auntie wtf was annoyed though. Roti Babi.... not funny meh? blob blob blobbbb.....
Was back in KL for the weekend and had pasta with Ws. The portion looks quite small but very filling. Taste wise, I'll give it a 6 out of 10. Was more eager to order their green tea ice cream but didn't have time because our movie was going to start soon. blah......... cheese and more cheese.....
That's only half of the cause because I didn't get to take pics of the other culprits. Sigh...Eat to live or live to eat.......
Btw, I am not 89 kg okay! Just wanna exaggerate a little. I'm only 70 kg but contain 19.5% of fat according to the fat-o-meter (a machine which I don't know the name which measured my fats which I chose not to believe in wtf),
Culprit No. 1: The Bruschetta
Culprit No. 2: The Pizza Bella Italia
Culprit No. 3: Cakes
Culprit No. 4: American Breakfast (Set C wtf)
Culprit No. 5: Char Koay Kak (Fried Carrot Cake)
Culprit No. 6: Roti Babi
Culprit No. 7: Gohan De Pasta's Fetuccini Beef Curry Gratin
That's only half of the cause because I didn't get to take pics of the other culprits. Sigh...Eat to live or live to eat.......
Btw, I am not 89 kg okay! Just wanna exaggerate a little. I'm only 70 kg but contain 19.5% of fat according to the fat-o-meter (a machine which I don't know the name which measured my fats which I chose not to believe in wtf),
Overweight but manageable. Right?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ello Ello Ello Eh Eh Eh
Howdy, I'm not dead. I just have nothing to post so far. I have no life. But I am not dead either.
Anyways, work has been pretty stressed up. One would think with the economic downturn, people would be more depressed and smoke more. But no, it doesn't work that way... blah.... smoke la people... you'll feel better wtf. (I can't believe I'm doing this) But don't start if you're not a smoker.
I also attended my first Dunhill event in Penang. It's a Dunhill Lights event, pretty cool since only selected people are invited and they had this Jazz Saxophonist performed on stage along with a female DJ. The best part was me arriving late and missing the performance. Blah.... If you're a smoker, you'll probably be aware of the limited edition tinbox we launched few weeks back. Highly scarces now so I got it for my cousin. I also got for myself but gave the cigs away because I only wanted the tinbox to keep coins or sweets in it wtf.


-No tongue too ya-
Since Monday is a holiday, I came back to KL. No particular plans since everyone else is busy. Met up with my uni friends and did some catching up. They went to Bkk and got me a souvenir! And it was so touching to hear that it immediately reminded them of me when they saw this gift. Akan tetapi, after I received it I wasn't sure to be happy or sad... you tell me.


Anyways, work has been pretty stressed up. One would think with the economic downturn, people would be more depressed and smoke more. But no, it doesn't work that way... blah.... smoke la people... you'll feel better wtf. (I can't believe I'm doing this) But don't start if you're not a smoker.
I also attended my first Dunhill event in Penang. It's a Dunhill Lights event, pretty cool since only selected people are invited and they had this Jazz Saxophonist performed on stage along with a female DJ. The best part was me arriving late and missing the performance. Blah.... If you're a smoker, you'll probably be aware of the limited edition tinbox we launched few weeks back. Highly scarces now so I got it for my cousin. I also got for myself but gave the cigs away because I only wanted the tinbox to keep coins or sweets in it wtf.

The event also had freeflow of drinks but I drove that night and I don't wanna pass out in the toilet again wtf, so I only had a few shots and butterflied here and there. Smarter this time. F however wasn't as lucky. Drink drink drink. Send her to the hotel but on the way back, she couldn't hold it, wind down the window, and 'fountained' her puke out. And yes, my car had the best of it. Sent my car for washing and I swear they charged more. RM14..... it's more than usual right? She kept apologizing but it was no biggie to me. Her company was really fun!
I finally went to Batu Feringgi (BF)! Very nice of B (who is from BF), came all the way to Queensbay to pick me up and then sent me home before going back to BF. Even spent me dinner! Where got people so nice one? Motive going there: Buy DVDs! Was afraid I didn't bring enough cash since I planned to sapu all the series but somehow couldn't find any. So ended up buying movies and more unexpectedly bought disney animated cartoons. Kungfu Panda, Cars, Ratatouille, Madagascar and etc... what is happening to me? Getting soft? No, I'm always 'hard'! Wahaha. We ate at the foodcourt there which was filled with angmo. Seriously a tourist attraction. Thus, the prices are highly marked-up! I had sizzling chicken and vegetable noodle which was good. The nicer food was the fried Hainanese Popiah/ Spring Roll. Seriously very good because I wasn't really hungry but gobbled it down like 100 years never eat wtf. Luckily the place is quite far from my house or it'll be another chicken skin catastrophe.
I finally went to Batu Feringgi (BF)! Very nice of B (who is from BF), came all the way to Queensbay to pick me up and then sent me home before going back to BF. Even spent me dinner! Where got people so nice one? Motive going there: Buy DVDs! Was afraid I didn't bring enough cash since I planned to sapu all the series but somehow couldn't find any. So ended up buying movies and more unexpectedly bought disney animated cartoons. Kungfu Panda, Cars, Ratatouille, Madagascar and etc... what is happening to me? Getting soft? No, I'm always 'hard'! Wahaha. We ate at the foodcourt there which was filled with angmo. Seriously a tourist attraction. Thus, the prices are highly marked-up! I had sizzling chicken and vegetable noodle which was good. The nicer food was the fried Hainanese Popiah/ Spring Roll. Seriously very good because I wasn't really hungry but gobbled it down like 100 years never eat wtf. Luckily the place is quite far from my house or it'll be another chicken skin catastrophe.

Being a tourist attraction, I'm well aware that there'll be many kinds of signs or warnings the government put up. No littering, no spitting, no smoking, no outside food & drinks, yada yada. This is however the first I've seen.

Since Monday is a holiday, I came back to KL. No particular plans since everyone else is busy. Met up with my uni friends and did some catching up. They went to Bkk and got me a souvenir! And it was so touching to hear that it immediately reminded them of me when they saw this gift. Akan tetapi, after I received it I wasn't sure to be happy or sad... you tell me.


I'm glad they got the right colour but is this my usual look? Blah...So I've decided to hang this on my car rear mirror to remind myself not to look like this. Smile Shaun Smile!
Also went out with R for happy-cashier-expensive-dimsum-wtf on Sunday. Food is still good but forgot to take camera out. Darn! They had many variaties but somehow you can't eat a lot in dimsum. Surely get full after a few dishes. R said it's due to the meatiness wtf. All meat meat meat. Then we went to watch Watchmen. Not that nice.... I give it a 5/10 rating because the message wasn't clear. Suddenly good buy become bad guy. Then the good guy who became bad guy become good guy again. In short the movie is the typical sacrificing people for the better good/ save humanity crap. And it's blardy 3 hours long... butt also pain. So we compensated ourselves with a good dinner at Ying Ker Lou! One of the few chinese restaurants I really like. Hakka style cooking. I ordered the Lei Cha Rice, basically tea base rice with a variety of vegetables. Very minty and healthy eating. You definitely won't have any problems shitting, trust me. But you might be shocked to see your shit green in colour. I was amused wtf.
We also got ourselves some books. I know, you might think I'm not the reading type right. But I already finished my previous book okay. It was so good that I finished it in 45 minutes. Shin Chan ma! haha. Nah, seriously I finished Tony Parsons' first book, so I got his second one. Don't know why but somehow I got to relate myself with a 30 year old man who lost his job, gotten married, had a son, then divorced and get on with life. WHY? Initially I didn't plan to buy the book but R was buying a few and I got kiasu wtf. So I also bought it and then took a few mags as well haha. He's a real good influence. And no I am not kiasu.
Say I'm not kiasu!!!!!!!!!

Like so matured right buy these kind of books.... well I also visited my childhood memories because I bought old japanese animes when I was out with my family. The Great Collection of Studio Ghibli!! Always wanted to rewatch Totoro. Bim Bim Ba, Chi Chi Cha yo~~~~ Then I also got another fighting fighting power power anime collection, Kiba because it was half priced. See I'm not kiasu...

Say I'm not kiasu!!!!!!!!!

Like so matured right buy these kind of books.... well I also visited my childhood memories because I bought old japanese animes when I was out with my family. The Great Collection of Studio Ghibli!! Always wanted to rewatch Totoro. Bim Bim Ba, Chi Chi Cha yo~~~~ Then I also got another fighting fighting power power anime collection, Kiba because it was half priced. See I'm not kiasu...

Wah didn't know the post is so long already. And I thought I didn't have anything to update. Till later peeps.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sinful Pleasures
Ok... I was away in KL for 1 whole week during CNY..... came back to Penang worked for 5 days then went back to KL again.... then came back Penang worked for another 5 days...... Friday night... can sleep late.... not sure what to eat for dinner..... what else?
That was my dinner and I don't think I'll be able to talk tomorrow.... need......... pei... pa.... gou...... ubat cap ibu dan anak wtf..............
That was my dinner and I don't think I'll be able to talk tomorrow.... need......... pei... pa.... gou...... ubat cap ibu dan anak wtf..............
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Cny & Pg Updates
First of all, Gong Xi Fa Chai ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Third, where's my ang pow wtf?
Fourth, I think I shall start my update with Penang.
Drove over on 18th Jan. Didn't know the way there and was laughed at when I thought I should use the same way to Malacca (it's the opposite direction wtf). By my dad some more! Luckily I had my ever reliable Garmin GPS and it has officially become a necessity to me. The journey took 3 and a half hours, further than Kuantan but easier since there isn't any windy, accident prone road throughout. Also I had Ken Hirai to accompany me. 3 CDs long wtf. Somehow driving over this time wasn't as boring....felt kinda holiday-ish. Probably because of my jakun-ness crossing over the sea via a bridge and looking forward the many many foodsss I will endeavour in the coming months muahahaha!
After passing the bridge I had to call W to direct me to my rented condo since Garmin also didn't know where it was, not so reliable anymore wtf. Fortunately I'm smart enough to figure out where it was and finally found the place. Didn't know what to expect because my Kuantan house was nearby a crazy lady's house and my previous housemates were fishermen wtf. This is however damn....... NICE!

I always thought the rent I am paying is kinda expensive..... but after seeing the place I realised why. Air conditioned, astro, wireless, washing machine, etc etc all provided. Some more it's green... damn fated.... so I shall pay... I pay!!! My room's quite small though... only enough to fit in a matress, a wardrobe and a small table. So this time no one can come crash at my place d.....
My office is about 15 minutes drive away. No jam, so it's tolerable but still cannot compare to my 2 minute drive to office in Kuantan wtf. 8 a.m start work, 7.35 wake up. Now, 8 a.m start work 6.50 wake up. blah.................................... Working culture here is really different, expectations are higher and the people are 'interesting'.
As for the bestest part of Penang, the FOODs! Sorry again but I gotta potong stim a bit because I didn't get to take any food pics while I was there. Usually either forget to take camera out or after work just too tired to do so. On the first week there, I ate more than 10 plates of fried koay teow. Thats like an average of 1.5 plates a day wtf. And now I'm kinda sick of it d. I also tried their Hokkien Noodle. Funny thing, the Hokkien noodle there isn't the black black fat noodle wtf they have it here in KL. Hokkien noodle there is the same as our Prawn Noodle here. Mee Yok. Har Mee. But it's damn nice lo. The one I ate was really spicy and usually gotta wait damn long to be served. And another thing, the order taker (wife) and the cook (husband) has a common trait. Black face wtf. Don't understand why they have this super moody and negative aura surrounding them. Their business is good what! And my colleague told me that apparently you can never order anything from the husband because he's in some hokkien-mee-trance-mode wtf since he listens and responds to nothing but his wife. Such a loving moody couple. Other than that, I've tried other foodss like duck noodle, law mee (special because they have chicken feet which I don't eat wtf), famous wan tan noodle, nasi kandar, pasumbor (Indian rojak), chinese rojak..... can't remember d. But the one I can never forget is the super crunchy, very sinful, extremely delicious, surely heart attack FRIED CHICKEN SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's located at Gurney food court and omg I love it. I think I ate it 4 days in a row. And it's only because they were closed on the remaining days. I think I'm obsessed because I always think about it when considering my options for dinner. Seriously if it's not so health threatening, it'll already be my staple food. No more rice or noodle or bread. Ok I think I need to stop now. *cruch crunch crunch* Again so sorry for no pics. I only have mental pics taken. *crunch crunch crunch*.
Okay, next will be my CNY updates.
It was nice and easy because I took a flight home this time and I don't wanna risk the balik kampung jam. Already planned and booked my flight last year via Air Asia. So smart to book early but 1 week after I booked and paid they came out with the no fuel surcharge promotion. Fuck.
This is the first thing I saw when I went into my room. A golden Ox wtf. My parents thought I should have it since I was born in the year of the Ox. I told them to take it away because I wasn't that superstitious and leaning more towards the western side. Then they reminded me that my western zodiac is Taurus. I gave up.
On CNY eve, my family had a steamboat reunion dinner. Mum got all the preparations done and we simply sit back, shake balls and waited for dinner....... HAHAHA.... I used the excuse of tired coming back from outstation and yada yada. And my mum did an awesome job!



Went shopping with Py and got a pair of shoes, dry fit top and pants in MidValley. One bad experience was that we initially saw this pair of shoes at the Nike Shop in the Gardens. No size there so we asked the salesgirl to check for us in the other Nike branches. It's obvious she wasn't willing to do so but went reluctantly. After 3 minutes she came back saying all sold out. Not surprising huh. Then we went to the MidValley branch to check and guess what, they have my size. How surprising and Wtf right. Not sure if there's some internal sales competition going on or she's just plain lazy or having a really bad pms. Was so tempted to go back there to ask the potential pms girl but Py was too kind and I was too lazy to walk all the way back. Py also got something for herself. I used my evil-pursuasive power to make her buy a Rm300 Esprit bag. So proud of myself until it backfired. I also bought one wtf!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a man's sling bag and I got it for Rm150 after discount. Reason being, it would allow me to put all my manly stuff into my manly bag wtf when I go out in future. Wallet, handphone, camera, Ipod, PSP, and condoms. What? Joking la.
As for my eating sessions, I only went out twice for nice makans. One was with M at Pasta De Gohan in Sunway Pyramid and the other was with the girls at Bavarian Bierhaus, German Beer and Sausages restaurant at The Curve. Son Gohan's pasta wtf was really good since it incorporated both Japanese and Western elements in their paste. Their super saiyan wtfff green tea ice cream dessert literally killed me. I actually went and tasted heaven. Lame but I really did. As for the German sausages, they were tasty but rather short. Haha as wrong as it sounds, it was delicious la. Also quite worth it, Rm19.90 for their set lunch which consists of a drink, soup and a main course. The portion isn't big but enough for lunch. Don't go there if you're looking for quantity but please try if you're seeking quality.
Okay I'm getting hungry just by posting it. So I shall end here and go find something to eat!
P.s Go watch Sex and The City series if you have not.
Samantha Jones I love you!
P.s.s Valentine's next Sat and I've already received my first card.
Thankyusss Ws!
P.s.s.s. Best compliment to date: Soulful Eyes
P.s.s.s.s Worst Insult: Uncle!
Second, gomenasai for the super late update............
Third, where's my ang pow wtf?
Fourth, I think I shall start my update with Penang.

After passing the bridge I had to call W to direct me to my rented condo since Garmin also didn't know where it was, not so reliable anymore wtf. Fortunately I'm smart enough to figure out where it was and finally found the place. Didn't know what to expect because my Kuantan house was nearby a crazy lady's house and my previous housemates were fishermen wtf. This is however damn....... NICE!


My office is about 15 minutes drive away. No jam, so it's tolerable but still cannot compare to my 2 minute drive to office in Kuantan wtf. 8 a.m start work, 7.35 wake up. Now, 8 a.m start work 6.50 wake up. blah.................................... Working culture here is really different, expectations are higher and the people are 'interesting'.
As for the bestest part of Penang, the FOODs! Sorry again but I gotta potong stim a bit because I didn't get to take any food pics while I was there. Usually either forget to take camera out or after work just too tired to do so. On the first week there, I ate more than 10 plates of fried koay teow. Thats like an average of 1.5 plates a day wtf. And now I'm kinda sick of it d. I also tried their Hokkien Noodle. Funny thing, the Hokkien noodle there isn't the black black fat noodle wtf they have it here in KL. Hokkien noodle there is the same as our Prawn Noodle here. Mee Yok. Har Mee. But it's damn nice lo. The one I ate was really spicy and usually gotta wait damn long to be served. And another thing, the order taker (wife) and the cook (husband) has a common trait. Black face wtf. Don't understand why they have this super moody and negative aura surrounding them. Their business is good what! And my colleague told me that apparently you can never order anything from the husband because he's in some hokkien-mee-trance-mode wtf since he listens and responds to nothing but his wife. Such a loving moody couple. Other than that, I've tried other foodss like duck noodle, law mee (special because they have chicken feet which I don't eat wtf), famous wan tan noodle, nasi kandar, pasumbor (Indian rojak), chinese rojak..... can't remember d. But the one I can never forget is the super crunchy, very sinful, extremely delicious, surely heart attack FRIED CHICKEN SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's located at Gurney food court and omg I love it. I think I ate it 4 days in a row. And it's only because they were closed on the remaining days. I think I'm obsessed because I always think about it when considering my options for dinner. Seriously if it's not so health threatening, it'll already be my staple food. No more rice or noodle or bread. Ok I think I need to stop now. *cruch crunch crunch* Again so sorry for no pics. I only have mental pics taken. *crunch crunch crunch*.
Okay, next will be my CNY updates.


On CNY eve, my family had a steamboat reunion dinner. Mum got all the preparations done and we simply sit back, shake balls and waited for dinner....... HAHAHA.... I used the excuse of tired coming back from outstation and yada yada. And my mum did an awesome job!



Dinner was really good. And to add the CNY feel, we used the authentic chinese rice bowls and chopsticks and spoons. If only we have bird cages and jade/marble chairs wtf. The steamboat was really good and there's a Lim family recipe secret I would like to share. It's my mum's fried rice. One of the best I've tried.... why? Because it's fusion. Instead of using Chinese sausages (lap cheong), she replaced it with streaky bacon. DAMN NICE. Try it once, and you pasti nak lagi wtf.
Overall CNY was kinda the same for me. Go visiting, collect ang pows, gamble, lose money. The usual. So for the remaining holidays, I decided to go out with some other people and do non-cny stuff. Shopping and eating! Muahaha!
Realising the coming fats I would gain from Penang eateries, I must work out and join a gym. They only have FF and Celebrity in Penang. Didn't know which was better but luckily E is going to get me a 1 month free trial in Celebrity. Can save one month's fee wtf but I didn't have any gym attire. So there goes my ang pow money.
Overall CNY was kinda the same for me. Go visiting, collect ang pows, gamble, lose money. The usual. So for the remaining holidays, I decided to go out with some other people and do non-cny stuff. Shopping and eating! Muahaha!
Realising the coming fats I would gain from Penang eateries, I must work out and join a gym. They only have FF and Celebrity in Penang. Didn't know which was better but luckily E is going to get me a 1 month free trial in Celebrity. Can save one month's fee wtf but I didn't have any gym attire. So there goes my ang pow money.


Okay I'm getting hungry just by posting it. So I shall end here and go find something to eat!
P.s Go watch Sex and The City series if you have not.
Samantha Jones I love you!
P.s.s Valentine's next Sat and I've already received my first card.
Thankyusss Ws!

P.s.s.s.s Worst Insult: Uncle!
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oh hai!
4 months 4 months in Kuantan and I'm finally DONE! Time flies I tell ya. Just a few posts ago I fret and complained how lonely and boring I got and yada yada. Now I'm already preparing for my next attachment, Penang! Yesterday was a rush when I was finishing up my work (don't want to leave any shit for my colleagues to follow up after I leave wtf) and then went home to stuff my things into my car. End up no time and just threw everything inside. While packing I realised I had alot of unnecessary stuff like accumulated plastic bags (to throw rubbish wtf), accumulated rubberbands and strings to tie rubbish bag swtf, books I brought but didn't read, shin chan comics, unused cups I bought when I expected friends to visit, thousands of clothes hangers, all my pirated dvd series, and the list goes on..... Gotta admit although I'm happy leaving Kuantan now, there are things I'm gonna miss. The people here are so nice! I really hope the people in Penang would be the same!! I'm gonna miss the beer and people in LemonGrass Bar! I'm gonna miss being called Anuar Zain celup Cina wtf, I'm gonna miss the free iced nescafe and food I get from my Kai Ma (Godmother) so cheapskate wtf. I'm gonna miss scolding and listening to the waitresses complaining about their bf and the domestic violence attempts (cry cry cry but still wanna be together wttttttf!). Anyway these are random pics I took throughout my Kuantan attachment...
4 months 4 months in Kuantan and I'm finally DONE! Time flies I tell ya. Just a few posts ago I fret and complained how lonely and boring I got and yada yada. Now I'm already preparing for my next attachment, Penang! Yesterday was a rush when I was finishing up my work (don't want to leave any shit for my colleagues to follow up after I leave wtf) and then went home to stuff my things into my car. End up no time and just threw everything inside. While packing I realised I had alot of unnecessary stuff like accumulated plastic bags (to throw rubbish wtf), accumulated rubberbands and strings to tie rubbish bag swtf, books I brought but didn't read, shin chan comics, unused cups I bought when I expected friends to visit, thousands of clothes hangers, all my pirated dvd series, and the list goes on..... Gotta admit although I'm happy leaving Kuantan now, there are things I'm gonna miss. The people here are so nice! I really hope the people in Penang would be the same!! I'm gonna miss the beer and people in LemonGrass Bar! I'm gonna miss being called Anuar Zain celup Cina wtf, I'm gonna miss the free iced nescafe and food I get from my Kai Ma (Godmother) so cheapskate wtf. I'm gonna miss scolding and listening to the waitresses complaining about their bf and the domestic violence attempts (cry cry cry but still wanna be together wttttttf!). Anyway these are random pics I took throughout my Kuantan attachment...







When I came back to Kl finally went to see my coach (KL main reporting manager). Did my sign off and was glad to get a good appraisal from him! Means good bonus later this year muahahaha! After that managed to meet up with Ws for lunch at 1U. Didn't know they opened a few new restaurants there. Went to New York New York Deli which serves New York food wtf. Burgers, sandwiches, salads, soups.... aiya western food la. I ordered their All-Day-Breakfast which was okay only but I will definitely go back there since there're so many other dishes in their menu. Prices are reasonable too!

This last pic is actually for Ws to show off to the other 2 wtf, sitting in the Avanza and eating with me in my uniform. I feel so used, like some fcking zoo animal.
Will be leaving for Penang this Sunday, a whole new chapter which will not be 4 months 4 months but
4 and a Half Months,4 and a Half Months!
4 and a Half Months,4 and a Half Months!
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