Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Effort does not necessarily produce result.............this is what I learnt..........am sulking now..........wuwuwuwuwu........fuck........... have spent 2 fcking days researching and producing NUTS..........heck i'm not even liking what i'm doing.........how am I suppose to see myself doing this for the rest of my life??? Fuck la.........fuck..................................................................................... Give me strength?? It only gave me mood swings and the sense of hopelessness.......... how how how? Wtf, i'm becoming whiny..........I blame myself.........i am sorry..........sorry for taking the wrong studies and career path......would definately enjoy cooking or maybe marketing..................fuck fuck fuck....................I think I will need to go to Ms Read soon..........any goers? (pls dun expect a sad guy to spend you....have some pity you vultures!)

~Ms Read Lemon Murange Pie thingies~

~Ms Read Brownie with Ice-Cream laDuh~