I'm getting fat........ luckily I'm already halfway pass my attachment in Penang. I do go to gym but I still put on weight. Current weight: 89 kg.
Culprit No. 1: The Bruschetta

E brought me to one of the nicest Italian restaurant in Penang. It was indeed very popular considering how packed it was at 6 pm. We're lucky we had seats. And the bruschetta was damn good! Officially the best I've eaten so far. Thick bread but soft and spongy. Fresh tomatoes, olives and drizzle of olive oil..... heaven.....
Stomach flab wobbles...
Culprit No. 2: The Pizza Bella Italia

We also had the restaurant's signature pizza... just so so..... thin crust... pepperoni, mushroom and lots of cheese.
Flabby stomach blob blob blob.. Culprit No. 3: Cakes

E also surprised me with these cakes. It's not your regular Secret Recipe or Berrys or Kings Confectionary. This is bought from a cakehouse (cannot remember the name) which is famous for having delicious homemade cakes. Very thoughtful of him to remember since I've only mentioned it once that I wanna try it because of the greentea cake wtf. Penang people are very nice! The pic is however damn ugly... but no choice coz the lighting of the cinema sux. That's right... we ate it in the pitch black dark cinema. Quite fun guessing which is which, a real test to our tongues.
It wobbles I tell ya....Culprit No. 4: American Breakfast (Set C wtf)

I know this is so common. Toasts, fried eggs, bacon, sausages and baked beans. But I like ma. And seldom you get to see it in KL. Actually got but I seldom eat it in KL. Cannot ar? Sue me. Still this pic looks damn nice.
Soon I'll be able to perform a stomach Mexican wave...Culprit No. 5: Char Koay Kak (Fried Carrot Cake)

Another Penang delicacy which is available in KL. This one actually taste just alright but the pic looks damn nice. So I shall pretend and say it's the best koay kak I've eaten so far just to make you drool.
I can fall flat on and I will bounce back up...Culprit No. 6: Roti Babi

This is damnnnn nice! Sounds rude but tastes really good. And I personally like to order it. "Auntie, one Roti Babi please." hmm.... not funny now but I kept laughing to myself whenever I order it. I'm pretty sure the Roti Babi Auntie wtf was annoyed though. Roti Babi.... not funny meh?
blob blob blobbbb.....Culprit No. 7: Gohan De Pasta's Fetuccini Beef Curry Gratin

Was back in KL for the weekend and had pasta with Ws. The portion looks quite small but very filling. Taste wise, I'll give it a 6 out of 10. Was more eager to order their green tea ice cream but didn't have time because our movie was going to start soon. blah.........
cheese and more cheese..... That's only half of the cause because I didn't get to take pics of the other culprits. Sigh...Eat to live or live to eat.......
Btw, I am not 89 kg okay! Just wanna exaggerate a little. I'm only 70 kg but contain 19.5% of fat according to the fat-o-meter (a machine which I don't know the name which measured my fats which I chose not to believe in wtf),
Overweight but manageable. Right?